To Replace Handles:
- Remove to handle nut retaining screw (#87) with a small Phillips screw driver.
- Remove the handle nut retainer (#86)
- Unscrew the handle nut (#85). On the left-handed reels this will be a reverse thread.
- Remove the handle. On carbon fiber handles there will be a washer on either side of the handle (#77 & #84). On aluminum handles there will be only one below the handle (#77)
- Place washer #77 on the shaft if it came off with the handle
- Place the new handle on the shaft.
- If using a carbon fiber handle, place washer #84 on top of the handle
- Screw the handle nut (#85) on to the handle shaft. Remember that if reel is left handed that this will be a reverse thread.
- You want the nut to be tight, but not too tight. We recommend hand tight plus ¼ turn.
- Place the handle nut retainer (#86) on the handle nut. The screw hole in the retainer needs to line up with the screw hole in the handle. You may need to tighten or loosen the handle nut slightly in order to get the parts to line up correctly.
- Screw in the handle nut retaining screw.