Centrifugal braking systems were introduced to bait casters first, then magnetic braking systems were introduced a few years later. After that, they combined the two and described it as a multi-setting brake.
All three of these braking systems are available through different models of Lew’s reels.
Most customers tend to purchase reels with braking systems that they are accustomed to.
Some customers want to try new and different things.
Let’s start with a magnetic braking system:
Magnetic brakes are designed to give a constant resistance (braking) on the spool throughout the entire cast. Turning the magnetic dial moves the magnets closer or further from the spool depending on how much braking the angler needs.
Centrifugal braking systems:
Lew’s centrifugal braking systems are designed to provide initial braking at the beginning of the cast to prevent backlash. Some models have spring loaded pins that on the beginning of the cast protrude out, then retract back in about half-way through the cast. The normal BB1 series also has a set of two blue pins also, which when engaged, provide a constant brake throughout the cast.
Multi-Setting Braking Systems:
The multi-setting brakes consist of both of the features above. You can tend to dial in the reel even more precisely utilizing both of the braking systems. Generally most anglers tend to set these reels up for certain applications only, and purchase more of these reels for different applications.
ACB Braking systems:
Lew’s ACB braking system is an advance in centrifugal braking engineering. Lew’s was the first reel manufacturer to design this braking system (2014). It is a centrifugal braking system that is externally adjustable by turning the dial on the outside of the reel. We designed this feature so the angler would not have to remove the side plate to adjust braking pins. So for an angler that prefers centrifugal brakes, they can adjust them “on the fly”. The system is designed by turning the dial, it moves a brake plate closer to the centrifugal pins causing a drag on the pins, which creates braking. A small drop of oil on the brass ring in the palm side cover will help reduce friction and reduce the audible noise.
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